Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Logo 5: The GUST Logo

The final logo I will be talking about is the logo of the university that I have been attending for two years now, GUST. The Gulf University of Science and Technology was established January 1997 by a group of Kuwaiti academicians and businessmen.
Image result for gust logo
The offical GUST logo
While I may not be the best student around, I can say that I’ve learned a great amount of things from the classes I’ve attended and from my professors.
The logo is very true to the Kuwaiti culture while maintaining a modern edge. My interpretation of the logo is that it looks to be a frontal view of a dhow (old Kuwaiti ship).
Image of a Dhow
This makes the logo appeal to native Kuwaiti students and brings the feeling of pride for the hard work that their ancestors did to set the ground for what they are doing today.
The color scheme is also very appealing. It’s a particular shade of blue and one green part. The blue seems to signify the color of the sea, which is a big part of Kuwait’s economic history. And the green part isn’t very clear to me, what I think is that it represents land, having the dhow get to shore, signifying progress.

GUST produces introductory video on youtube 

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