Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Logo 1: The Twitter Bird

Twitter's first logo in 2006
Twitter's second logo in 2010
Twitter redesigns their logo in 2012 

Twitter as we all know is a widely used social media platform. It has millions of users posting text, images, videos daily. Overall, the company is very successful and their brand is very recognizable by thousands and thousands of people worldwide. Twitter for me personally is an app that I spend a lot of time on. When I'm on my PC I always have twitter open in a browser tab and I frequently refresh it to see the new tweets. 
What I will be focusing on right now is the ingenious design behind the familiar twitter bird we all know.  The logo has gone through different iterations. It started as just being the word "twitter" in a unique, light blue font. Then they changed the font to black and added a blue bird icon to the right. 
By 2012, twitter has become popular enough to no longer need the text. So they redesigned the bird, gave it a slightly darker color and made it bigger. 
While I think the previous logo was solid, this one was the right move for the company to make, because of how beautifully it strikes you and how memorable it is. 
One basic design element it nails is the use of color. Aside from the fact that this shade of blue is twitter's official color, it is a strong color when it comes to marketing. 
Blue is a cool color. Which means when someone looks at the strong, vibrant color, it puts them at ease. 
Blue is associated with soft, relaxing things such as the ocean, or the sky. In this case, twitter is about connectivity, and bringing people together, bringing an overall sense of union between people from all over the world.

http://www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/archives/att_2016_logo_with_type.pngExamples of logos which use the same color scheme.


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